Wood ash in coop


12 Years
Nov 5, 2010
cookeville, tn
Can I use wood ask in my coop instead of DE? I use a wood stove in the house for heat so I have a ton on ash. I dump it in a pile outside the chickens love rolling around in it. Will it work like DE in the coop?
I'd guess the problem with your question is there is such a variety of opinions about DE on here. Read the threads linked in the FAQs and you will see what I mean.
I wouldn't. Wood ash is actually lye, I don't think it is safe for them. Does anyone else know about wood ash and lye (you can actually make soap from wood ash lye)
By wetting wood ashes you can beach lye from them. To do this in a barrel you would fill.it with hay and pack it down really well. Then at the top you pour water into the ashes and have a hole cut at the bottom of the barrel. Supposed to be the lye that exits the barrel in the water. That is how I read it anyway.
Wood ash from a wood stove is fine for chickens! It's what all old farmers use to put in the runs to keep bugs off their birds. I would not put it in the coop but the outside runs where they can fluff around in it. Make sure you have let it cool off well.
I keep my ash from the stove inmetal buckets for a week before I dump it so I am sure it is cool. I will dump some in the run and see if they like it.

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