Worm Treatment Results - Drinking a lot of Water Still


Feb 16, 2021
I posted another thread recently about one of my hens who was drinking lots of water, possible leg mites, and some questionable poo. I've been treating her along with others for the leg mites. I also treated them for worms using safeguard in their water.

My question is how long should I generally see results from using the dewormer? Yesterday was day 5 and I've since removed the safeguard from the water. Two positive notes are that her comb and wattle look much redder and healthier. Not sure if its from the treatment or the recent warmer weather we've had (although now its cold again). The other is I don't see any funky foamy poo around, looks mostly normal. She is at the bottom of the pecking order and is usually always off to the side or way in the back, however I do see her getting a bit more involved/closer if I am giving them all treats, so that is another positive sign.

However she is still going strong on the water. I did add some rooster booster to the water after giving them the dewormer.
I've since removed the safeguard from the water.
Regular Safeguard doesn't stay suspended in the water so you've likely not given the right amount of medicine. You could give it in feed, but it is best to dose them orally with a syringe.

In my experience, it can take a couple days after to see a dead worm in a poop. You don't always see them though but I'd say a couple days after.
I think I purchased Safeguard for Goats. Much of the dosage info I could find online indicated to add to the drinking water.

However I don't think that's my problem. Looks like I have a sour crop problem. Its feels like a water balloon, large and squishy. I caught her what appeared to be throwing up. Had some white chunks in it. I also caught her making some jerky neck movements. I was able to induce vomiting to try and help alleviate it. I know this is controversial depending on what link you click on. Some swear by it, while others are harshly against it, I understand both sides. Whatever side anyone is on, I did it. My next course of action is to try and use monistat. This poor chicken hasn't been well since I got her. Trying to do the best I can with her.
How much did you give? There is no info at least I can find on giving it orally!

I also use nippler water system, the nipples are at the bottom of the container where the safeguard is sitting so they are def getting it.

Could she still have worms even if I don't see it in her poo? I check her poo all the time, literally taking pictures and moving it around to see if I can see any worms moving. In fact I've been checking all their poo just because I figure if one got it they all got it.
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It is possible they didn't get any of the Fenbendazole and still have worms. Underdosing isn't good or helpful.

If you will orally dose each bird for 5 days in a row, that will defininately take care of the worms, except for tapeworms. 10% fenbedazole dose is 0.23 ml per pound of bodyweight. You'll have to weigh the bird.

I don't know if you can give the monistat at the same time or not but I'd at least space the medicines apart.
However she is still going strong on the water. I did add some rooster booster to the water after giving them the dewormer.

Looks like I have a sour crop problem. Its feels like a water balloon, large and squishy. I caught her what appeared to be throwing up. Had some white chunks in it. I also caught her making some jerky neck movements.

My next course of action is to try and use monistat.
What's her poop like now?
Does she lay eggs?

I would absolutely start treating her for Sour Crop. Follow the instructions in the link below and make sure that you give the yeast cream twice a day for a full 7 days.
Up to you whether you want to re-do the Safeguard. If you do, then I would still give the yeast cream - get on top of the crop issue before it gets worse.
Are worms at the root of the problem? Could be, could be something else - looking at your other thread you haven't had these hens for very long, so you don't really know their "history".
I would work on the crop issue for sure, de-worming again probably won't hurt.
It is possible they didn't get any of the Fenbendazole and still have worms. Underdosing isn't good or helpful.

If you will orally dose each bird for 5 days in a row, that will defininately take care of the worms, except for tapeworms. 10% fenbedazole dose is 0.23 ml per pound of bodyweight. You'll have to weigh the bird.

I don't know if you can give the monistat at the same time or not but I'd at least space the medicines apart.

Thanks you for the dose amounts, very very helpful and I will make a note for future reference.

I also just picked up Eprinex Ivomec Pour-On. I thought it would be easier going forward to administer vs. orally administering to each bird.
How much did you give? There is no info at least I can find on giving it orally!
There are 7,000 different threads here on BYC about giving Safe-guard orally.

In order to dose a bird properly you need to know how much the bird weighs.
How much does she weigh today?

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