Worming meds Canada?


Mar 4, 2018
So during my routine chicken checkup today noticed some worms creeping around in the droppings on the poopboard. They look like roundworm. I don't know the source but they've been liking the abundance of snails when free range.

Been giving ACV in their waterer.

Any recommendations on treatment regimens here in the Great White North?
So during my routine chicken checkup today noticed some worms creeping around in the droppings on the poopboard. They look like roundworm. I don't know the source but they've been liking the abundance of snails when free range.

Been giving ACV in their waterer.

Any recommendations on treatment regimens here in the Great White North?
If you have roundworms only, look to see if you can get Wazine 17 (Piperazine).
You may also be able to find Fenbendazole (Safeguard, Panacur) this will treat other worms if given for several days in a row.

Let us know what you find, then we may be able to help you with dosing.
Been trying to find some relatively current threads on wormers in Canada. This thread, post #95 says you can get horse paste wormers: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/muscovie-not-growing.1274785/page-10#post-20508371
I think others may have to be gotten from a vet, not sure about Wazine. If you can find Safeguard horse (equine) paste, you can use that, or another horse paste that is fenbendazole (not sure about brands in Canada).
Just to clarify, below is what roundworms look like:
My feed and seed store was closed this weekend so split a pumpkin and added touch of ACV. Still worms.

Thanks so much for the feedback and the pics, that em alright, just one bird seems to be affected but will worm the whole lot as there may be others affected that just aren't expelling them.

Feed store has piperazine so will start there. There is nothing on withdrawal for eggs written. Should we just wait a few weeks?

Thanks again!
For Wazine (Peperaizine 17%), there is no official recommended egg withdrawl, the label says not to use in chickens using eggs for human consumption. But most wormers aren't approved for laying hens, most of us use them and don't have problems. The usual withdrawl for those that do it for wormers is 2 weeks following dosing. The actual risk, if any, is unknown, and would mostly be from an allergic reaction to any residue that may be passed into an egg. Some people ignore the withdrawl completely, so you will need to do that which you are comfortable with.
Just for future reference, pumpkins and/or seeds will not get rid of worms. They are fine to feed them, ACV is fine, but they won't treat a worm infection.
Roundworm eggs are very easily picked up in the soil when the chickens peck and scratch, and the eggs survive there for a very long time, so you may need to worm regularly to keep them controlled, every flock is different.
Thanks for the help again and the links too!

Will try the Piperazine first, to see how it goes. Can't hurt to get some other dewormers on hand but it seems difficult to find Panacur or SafeGuard, maybe I'm not looking in the right places. The other wormers I see available are all gels for horses, like Quest and Quest Plus.

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