So after seeing a pic I think she has scaly leg also. Anyway. I was cleaning the coop today and found a round worm in a poop! Freaking out, I searched all here, went out and got some wazine 17 for the morning. I keep thinking about that 1 hen. I went out and caught her. Wasn't that hard... But she ran awhile for a while. Caught her and she didn't really care after that. Looked at her vent. Looks fine to me?? I'm new. Put her down and she didn't move. I started rubbing her. Then I noticed I could hear her breathing. I picked her up to hear better. I guess it was kind of raspy. Put her back down to go get my cage. Came back she hasn't moved. Put her in the cage and she moves kind of slow and doesn't fight at all. Went to catch her sister for comparison. Completely different. Seemed healthy. So what kind of mess do I have on my hands? Is it ok to keep get inside the cage but still inside the coop?