May 11, 2015 #1 brightonchicks Chirping 5 Years Jul 29, 2014 100 1 66 Near Springfield,MO I got 8 chicks on 5-4-2015 and today I found a poop that didn't look right to me I don't know which chick did it. They are 5 through 9 weeks. Here is a pic. What do you think?
I got 8 chicks on 5-4-2015 and today I found a poop that didn't look right to me I don't know which chick did it. They are 5 through 9 weeks. Here is a pic. What do you think?
May 11, 2015 Thread starter #2 brightonchicks Chirping 5 Years Jul 29, 2014 100 1 66 Near Springfield,MO Please someone help me here! I don't want to lose my babies, we don't have a vet in our area that deals with chickens.
Please someone help me here! I don't want to lose my babies, we don't have a vet in our area that deals with chickens.
May 11, 2015 #3 junebuggena Crowing Apr 17, 2015 23,102 8,333 491 Long Beach, WA Are you feeding medicated feed? Do you have anything to treat coccidia?
May 12, 2015 Thread starter #4 brightonchicks Chirping 5 Years Jul 29, 2014 100 1 66 Near Springfield,MO No and No zz
May 12, 2015 Thread starter #5 brightonchicks Chirping 5 Years Jul 29, 2014 100 1 66 Near Springfield,MO the zz came from my grand baby : )
May 12, 2015 #6 junebuggena Crowing Apr 17, 2015 23,102 8,333 491 Long Beach, WA Get them medicated feed and treat everyone for coccidia ASAP.
May 12, 2015 Thread starter #7 brightonchicks Chirping 5 Years Jul 29, 2014 100 1 66 Near Springfield,MO I sure will, thank you