Would love some help identifying a couple of chickens - thank you!!


9 Years
Apr 11, 2010
Hi there - I'm new to BYC and to chickens in general. We live in Nova Scotia, Canada so we shose breeds that are cold hardy for our mixed flock. We thought we were getting 4 barred plymouth rocks, four jersey giants and four orpingtons. The barred rocks and buff orps are pretty obvious, however I'm not sure about the giants. I am wondering if the white and the black pullets are jersey giants. Also, the black roo is supposedly one too, however, he's quite small so I'm thinking a bantam of some sort?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! I tried to attach picstures but couldn't so I attached the image url so you can see the pics of the chicks (they're about 8 weeks old).

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you did the photos right, although it would be helpful if you use the thumbnail link so that it will give an enlarged picture when you click on it. unless what you uploaded was actually that small. you might try rescaling your pictures to 640x480. anyway, i was given to understand (having lurked on the jersey giant thread for a while trying to identify some of my chicks) that they are always bigger than standard chickens, straight from hatch, so they should be noticeably larger. but it turns out that (if that information is correct) i don't have any, so i'm no longer on the thread. point is, if you think that's what you've got, you might get better help in there. i know that white and black are jg colors, but couldn't help you figure out if yours are that since i have no experience with the breed.


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