wrinkley egg....

Smithyard Farm

12 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Pembroke NH
what causes this...? is it still okay to eat? My hens had stopped laying for a bit due to an addition of a new bird.. they started back up and all is well. I was packing eggs this evening into egg cartons, and noticed this one... . Can you see the wrinkles...? its mostly on this side you see... egg is a tiny bit larger than normal... but not out of the ordinary...
This can happen when a hen first start laying or an older hen restarts after a break. Make sure that you have them on a layer feed and or supply them with some oyster shell in a separate container to supplement the calcium that they need for good eggshells.

You can also search for eggshell deformity and see what some of the others have to say.

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