WTB Americauna and Easter Egger eggs

the simple life

11 Years
May 2, 2008
Weymouth, Massachusetts
Looking to buy some americauna and easter egger eggs for hatching.
Color is very important to me.
I am going to be all done hatching for a while and I want to make sure they are great quality color.
please pm me if you have any for sale.
I have beautiful colored eggs - the blue and the greens. I can ship you one dozen eggs on October 3. I'll ship any extras with it that I may have. (I presently am collecting for another order) - hence the wait.

The price will be $25 includes Priority s/h. Paypal to [email protected]

Please let me know if you are interested and when you send paypal. Thanks!
Thank You, I sent you payment.

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