WTB Barred Rock Rooster MISSOURI


Sussex Monarch
11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Still looking for a Barred Rock Roo thats close to me no shipping.Would rather get a Roo from BYC,then small animal sale.well i have had good luck with temperment so far from there.But still these hens are close to laying and i have a Buff silkie roo in with em now.So if you have a extra BR roo thats nice let me know,well if your close to me that is.If not ill try my luck agian at the SAS...
Anyone?would rather get a roo from BYC.
But hey if not i'll try the small animal sale satureday.
Wow, I am sure I will have a roo for ya....but...they are only hatching today! LOL
And, its a little bit far of a drive. Hope you find a great roo for your ladies!
NVM going to order one or two.

Im sure i will if i have to order a few from Ideal.
If i cant get a roo at the sale and i cant find any more older EE hens and Welsumers,i'll be ordering them all the in fall from Ideal.But was hoping to get a BR roo from BYC cause thier temperment is known.
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