WTB N. CA. looking for a Black Copper Maran Roo


14 Years
Feb 5, 2009
San Francisco East Bay CA
I got a mistake BCM egg last year and have a lovely hen...
she'd really LOVE a roo of her own kind... :)
any one in N. CA have a spare roo?
I can either buy, or trade for a Welsummer chick or ??, I have two broody hens right now,
due to hatch in a week!
I have one that hatched 9/1 that I kept as a spare, but don't really need. He's from what I believe are good lines, but might have a tiny bit of white in his tail.

Where in the Bay Area are you? I'll be driving down 680 to my tax appointment in SJ the first week in March. I live near Sacramento.
I live in Clayton! That is right behind Concord...
can you shoot me a pic of the roo with the white in his tail?
I wonder if that would pass along to his babies?
I'm not doing serious breeding, but want good ones of course!

Chico is kinda far... but let me ask around and see if anyone is going that way...
I have horses too, and often folks are going this way or that, and most would bring me a roo :)

thanks guys!

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