WTB: Show Birds Near Southern WI


14 Years
Mar 22, 2009
Southern Wisconsin
Just got the news today that my 4-H is allowing birds older than 6 months of age to be shown, and I am very excited! I am looking for exhibition quality birds to show in the county fair.

I am looking for both Large Fowl and Bantams. I am not especially particular on the breeds for the Large Fowl, however these are the breeds I would prefer: New Hampshire Reds, Silver Spangled Hamburgs, any color of Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps, Polish. Again, other breeds will be considered, I am quite flexible here.

Bantam breeds I prefer are: White Plymouth Rock, Brahma, Dark Cornish, Polish. I really, REALLY want a Bantam White Plymouth Rock pair or trio to go along with a show quality hen I have. I would consider feather legged breeds as well.

I am located 20 min. southwest of Madison, WI. I would prefer to pick up the birds, and would be willing to meet halfway, and drive about 1.5-2hrs. The birds can be any age, but I prefer them to be hatched no later than the first week of February 2010.

Thank You!
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