WTB: Standard Silver Penciled Rock and/or B/B/S Rock Eggs

JenEric Farms

16 Years
Oct 31, 2007
Looking for colors other than barred and white. I have a couple of partridge rocks already. I have other eggs for hatching being shipped the week of June 22nd and would like these for that week as well so i can "set" together. THANKS! Jen
I only have a couple of chicks right now. I would suggest that you email Uglyducky from SE MO from this site. She has posted several times for hatching eggs. Good Luck from KCMO
I have some silver penciled rocks from uglyducky - they are just GORGEOUS. I don't know why I waited so long before hatching some. Got mine from uglyducky, had a good hatch rate (75%).

Mine are now 12 weeks, so I'd have some in fall if uglyducky's no longer selling them. Good luck!

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