Wyandotte breeders!


Rosecomb Rich
12 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Norco, CA
Does anyone have Mille Fleur or Brown Porcelin Wyandottes? Blue? Buff Columbian? Chocolate Partridge? Splash? Blue barred? Blue Partridge? Blue Silver? Pyle?
Ive never seen any on here.....but if someone has them Id be really interested to know and more info maybe even pictures and where you obtained them, if your in the US.
I have blue wyandottes they are very nice got mine from welp hatchery he got his birds from a older man when he quit with chickens ( so I was told). I'm trying to bring out the lacing a little better but over all very nice birds. Also have Blrw not the hatchery type but the true blue laced reds.I'm ordering chicks this year to try a project on Buff columbian wyandottes. I'm only worried about having enough room.These are all standard breed.
Neato....I knew that people did blues, but not any of the others....I would love to see what your blues or others look like! Feel free to post pics if you want!
Outstanding Katy.You know we both love those wyandottes.I want some hatching egg's when you get some available.Getting a black and splash would be neat.

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