This lovely thing hatched this morning. It came frommy Blue Wyandotte hen & was fertilized by my Buff Laced Roo. Momma is a Very dark Blue & the roo has splashing in his background. I don't know a thing about mommas background, bought her as a 5 month-old but she's a pretty nice looking bird besides her wry tail.
I think it's probably a light Splash but it looks the same color as my old Self Blue Muscovies? normal for splashes? (ETA: none of my splashes from early this year were so light)

I was NOT expecting something so Blue to hatch from that breeding
I think it's probably a light Splash but it looks the same color as my old Self Blue Muscovies? normal for splashes? (ETA: none of my splashes from early this year were so light)
I was NOT expecting something so Blue to hatch from that breeding

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