May 5, 2015 #1 hperkins In the Brooder 5 Years May 29, 2014 16 0 24 Virginia These are silver laced wyandottes. They are about 6 weeks old, I am pretty sure one is a rooster but I wanted to get some other opinions!
These are silver laced wyandottes. They are about 6 weeks old, I am pretty sure one is a rooster but I wanted to get some other opinions!
May 5, 2015 #2 Ol Grey Mare One egg shy of a full carton. ..... 8 Years Mar 9, 2014 20,622 15,144 831 Oregon My Coop My Coop The bird on the left in the photos is, indeed, a cockerel.
May 5, 2015 Thread starter #3 hperkins In the Brooder 5 Years May 29, 2014 16 0 24 Virginia That's what I thought...dang it haha
May 5, 2015 #5 Wyandottes7 Crowing 6 Years Jul 24, 2013 20,586 1,376 401 BantamLover21 said: One cockerel, one pullet. Click to expand... Agreed.