Wyandotte- is she a rooster??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 22, 2014
I can't tell if my silver laced Wyandotte is really a hen. She isn't crowing, but her tail feathers and comb make me suspicious. She's almost 12 weeks old.

I have a hard time getting photos because she's so skittish, but let me know if these are good enough:





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Oh yay!! Thank you all! The comb confused me because it looks very much like my two EEs (which both turned out to be Roos unfortunately) but not like all the hens.

Thanks again!

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There is a difference in the types of combs. Your Wyandotte has a rose comb, which is wider and flatter at this point. Your EE have pea combs, in females it's a small bumpy ridge. In males, the wider comb usually indicates the triple row of bumps, which is a male sign. So yes, a female rose comb could be mistaken for a male pea comb, but your bird looks female all over.

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