Wyandottes for sale in canada?


11 Years
Jul 7, 2008
Any kind of wyandotte in Canada?
If you live close I will buy big, little or eggs.
I really want GLW.
There is someone on Kijiji London, who has several different breeds for sale.--wyandottes being one of them. His ad date was sept 15 and he was from hepworth.

If nothing else--performance poultry does have wyandottes.

Also there will be a fur and feather auction in Woodstock on October 26, I believe. Might want to check there.--that is if your in Ont. You say Canada but you don't tell us where in Canada
there are a few wyandotte breeders in the Barrie/Orillia area. The supershopper (now buysell.com) used to have a few advertisements. There is a fur and feather club there as well, I can't remember off hand what it is called...used to have connections to it. But if you advertise that you are looking for some in buysell someone will call you...esp now that it is fall and many are downsizing thier flocks
but any one in westren canada could ship eggs to me.
I fould one person in manitoba.

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