Wyandottes - what is egg production like?


10 Years
Jan 6, 2010
I need to add a few more egg layers to my flock and will probably get some sex-links for the best production. But I really wanted 1 or 2 birds that are decent layers that will add some color to my standard flock. I love the look of the silver-laced Wyandottes, but I don't know anything about the egg production. Are they a decent layer?
I have a 3 RIR and 3 Barred Rocks right now. The rocks are really pretty, but I just wanted one more piece of eye candy running around the yard. Not like I need anymore with the silkies I have and keep adding to
My SLW were great egg layers!! 6 hens six eggs a day . They loved laying in the wheelborrow ? Have only one left after 7 yrs but she still lays every other day!!
You have a 7 yr old hen that lays every other day? Just wanted to make sure I'm reading that right! I thought chickens only lived about 3-4 yrs tops. And thought they stopped laying after 3 yrs.
You have a 7 yr old hen that lays every other day? Just wanted to make sure I'm reading that right! I thought chickens only lived about 3-4 yrs tops. And thought they stopped laying after 3 yrs.

No, chickens can live and lay for many years. As they get older the frequency that they lay will taper off, but they can still lay.
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lol...I figured out what BLRW and SL stand for, but you lost me at BBS
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I even have 3 10-yr olds (one bantam two standard) that still lay. Not as often as the younger ones, but they still lay
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