Yahoo homepage news... "Hen in Mexican village lays rare eggs...."

OK. IMHO that is just plain stupid, and lame. The News should've done some research before they made this. I guess I just have an alien chicken too. :mad:
My mom and I were crackin up over this! She knows nearly nothing about chickens, but she knows I get blue eggs! Seriously though, the news should have done some research. Hopefully the lady makes some money off of her eggs though, that would be nice. I might do it if everyone thought mine were rare.
This is funny to me because just the other day I was talking to my MIL (who is from Mexico) and we were discussing eggs. I said I want an EE because I would like to have blue or green eggs. She asked if EE were chickens and if you could eat there eggs. I said yes, didn't you grow up around chickens. She said they don't have those kind of chickens in Mexico. I had a hard time believing here. I said in all of Mexico no one has EE and she said no. Now I believe her. LOL

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