Yard birds


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
I'm planning on building a coop with a run but i was also planning on letting the birds out to free range in the yard and such. Will they return to the coop/run at night? or do i need to call them/chase them home?

keep them put up for a couple of weeks in the coop theyre going to live in
and around sundown, they will return home.
be aware of predators
Oh, and
from KY
They will find home. But whenever you put them in their new home, keep them in there for a few days, so they accept it as their new home.
Maybe the first time you need to be at least close by to gently show them the door.
If you want them to come back to the coop, keep them in there for a couple of weeks.

Also, if they won't be in an enclosed run, be prepared to lose some to predation.... that's just the way it is.

If I were where I could have yard birds, I get a hundred straight run pheasants.
they will return and so will everything else...close the coop at night...Have Fun!

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