Yay for new chickens! Breeds?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 12, 2014
Well we finally have a nice flock going :) 13 so far!! We just took in 11 new birds and they get along great with my 2 bantam Cochins so I was stoked! My boyfriend didn't ask much details from their previous owner so I wanted to see if anyone could shed some light on their breeds for me. They're hard to get pictures of, but I'm pretty sure my rooster is an aumaricana (spelling?) and I know I have some Rhode Island Red. Not sure what else. I got a pretty broad range of eggs, and my Cochins are only about 4 months old so I don't think any were from them.


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You do have a red sex linked in the front of the bottom picture, but we need close up individual pictures of each bird so we can make more accurate guesses
Your rooster and the hens laying blue/green eggs are all Easter eggers, commonly mis-labeled by hatcheries as Ameraucana. The red hens look to be production reds, basically a mixed breed hatchery red hen that's bred to lay tons of eggs. I can't tell if you have a black sex link, it would be a bird with a straight comb, black body with red at the throat and/or chest who lays brown eggs, it would be the bird in front of the rooster in the second pic. Agree if you have a question on a specific bird, we'll need a better pic.

What a nice flock to pick up! I love the Easter eggers, and you've got a nicely varied range of shades in your egg basket.
Thank you! I've been trying to get some better photos of each bird but they run away from me :( I don't think they were ever handled which makes me sad! My little white cochins run right up to me when I go out there and the others get flustered and run away.



My computer is being stupid, so I tried to take a picture of the ones I had I on there... Hahaha. I can't stop taking pictures of them!
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It's still not the ideal full body profiles of each bird that I would like to see, but it looks to me like you have three Easter Eggers (one rooster and one hen; I can't see the third one well enough to sex with accuracy) and three Production Reds (all hens I think, but again one I cannot see real well). I don't think any of them are Red Sex Links because even though they have a few whitish patches, I don't see the white underfluff and white tail feathers that characterizes Red Sex Link hens. The few whitish patches are probably a result of some White Leghorn somewhere in their background which some breeders infuse into their Production Red stock in an attempt to increase their rate of lay.

Finally got a couple pictures that look better!! I'm sure this is an Easter egger, but the other darker one looks so much different. Opinions?

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