She totally has feathered legs! I have no idea the breed. Lol!!

She is eating. She is drinking. She's actually quite active. I will look inside her mouth and get back to you asap!!!

She may have stridor, has she just been eating/drinking?
Look inside her beak to see if there's anything like canker or lesions.

Does she have any other symptom - mucous, watery eyes,coughing/sneezing?

If the symptoms worsen or don't resolve in a little while, then if you have any antibiotics on hand you can try those to see if they help.
I know you are frustrated and things don't seem to be going well. Watch to see if she's eating/drinking o.k.

fwiw - I see feathered legs? If she's feather legged - she's not a Barred Rock.
She totally has feathered legs! I have no idea the breed. Lol!!

She is eating. She is drinking. She's actually quite active. I will look inside her mouth and get back to you asap!!!
If she's eating/drinking and active, I would just watch her to see if she has another other symptoms.
Hopefully you can get to the vet soon and get this resolved.

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