Yes, I've lost it now


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
Posted earlier about wanting to add 3 new chickens to my flock. I have black and white, now I want red and brown. I found a relatively local place that hatches and sells chicks that has New Hampshire reds and Ameraucanas. I am so tempted to drive there this afternoon as next week's schedule is so busy. My husband does not think I'm insane (as I thought he would)

My coop has 4 nest boxes. Is this too few for 10 chickens? Do I need to add 1 or 2? I've had some info. about integrating, etc. The chicks will be inside until they're a bit bigger, then in their own area of the coop until they're ready to integrate totally. Sound good?

I don't know if this is in the right section or not. If it's not, I'm sorry!
Are you still here or are you already driving?
If you can get them today, have everything you need and are ready for them, why not? If you wait they might run out!
See, I'm a chicken enabler!

We put up four nesting boxes for 21 hens. They used two of them.
VERY rarely the other two would get one lonely egg in them, but the vast majority of the time, they used #1 and #3. Only.
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It didn't happen if there are no pictures. LOL!! 4 nest boxes is plenty. I have 12 girls, and 4 nest boxes. Although they all use the same one. Happy chick gettin!!!
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I've printed the directions. Ready to get in the car. My husband asked when I wanted to get them and I said I want them now! He of course replies "You are never patient when you want something." I couldn't argue. I need to get going because my daughter will be home from school at 3:15 and expects me to be here. Of course, close for me is 1 1/2 hours away. I live in the middle of nowhere!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I want to go toooooo!
I have chicken fever really bad right now! I want some silkies so bad I can taste it. I keep telling myself to wait unitl spring but........I want chickies! Ideal Poultry is just 1 hr away....somebody hold me back!!!!

I say go for it and get you some chickies! Please post pictures so that I can get my chickie fix without getting my own....until spring....don't know if I can make it that long
barnie.gif please!!!!!

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