Yippie, my broody wild game hen is hatching her clutch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guinea Goonie

Roosting Elsewhere
16 Years
Sep 2, 2008
Peace Valley in Howell County Missouri
Went up to the horse barn today and between the cackling of the wild hen in the horse feeder I heard it, A CHICK!!

We lifted up her butt (much to her displeasure) and sure enough a little chickie. I was thrilled.

She quickly put the little one back under and we left.

Tomorrow I will check to see if any more zips. I will have to take the chickies and feed and water them then I am going to put them in the nursery with mom. We did this once before and it worked out great.
We have two now as of this evening and ONE IS A CHIPMUNK !!
Gosh I hope it is a roo.

This morning (Monday) I saw four little ones and three were chipmunks. Now I know I am going to get a roo from this batch.

These 3 hens and the roo are the ONLY ones left from a line of birds that have been passed down to me. I have fretted ovet these guys for almost a year now and I FINALLY got babies !!!

The ones in the nest come into the brooder for a few days until mom can hatch out the rest if the do in fact hatch out. Then the all go into the nursery with mom for a few weeks.

Decided to move MOM, the babies and the eggs to the nursery. Mom is doing good and another has hatched out !!. Now there are 6 eggs left and we have 5 BABIES. I will have to wait until the new one dries off to see what color it is.

We are eggstatic !!
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