Jan 11, 2012 #1 ICallMyselfCherie' Songster 9 Years Apr 26, 2010 627 1 131 Sacramento-3 Chicken Yrs Start drawing again! I keep seeing all these neat threads on here with people drawing birds and stuff, and it made me want to start drawing again!! Here's a picture of my Gideon -- it's still a work in progress.
Start drawing again! I keep seeing all these neat threads on here with people drawing birds and stuff, and it made me want to start drawing again!! Here's a picture of my Gideon -- it's still a work in progress.
Jan 11, 2012 #2 Kevin565 Crowing Premium Feather Member 10 Years Dec 22, 2009 43,520 736 486 Looks great
Jan 11, 2012 #3 mrpekinduck Songster 8 Years Jun 29, 2011 2,219 6 151 Ducky Land! Oh my gosh that's amazing!!!!!
Jan 11, 2012 Thread starter #4 ICallMyselfCherie' Songster 9 Years Apr 26, 2010 627 1 131 Sacramento-3 Chicken Yrs Thank you! I just realized I probably should have posted this in Random Ramblings . . . oops.
Jan 11, 2012 Thread starter #5 ICallMyselfCherie' Songster 9 Years Apr 26, 2010 627 1 131 Sacramento-3 Chicken Yrs mrpekinduck said: Oh my gosh that's amazing!!!!! Click to expand... Thank you!!
Jan 11, 2012 #6 mrpekinduck Songster 8 Years Jun 29, 2011 2,219 6 151 Ducky Land! No it's fine, they're all in the GJF section.
Jan 11, 2012 Thread starter #7 ICallMyselfCherie' Songster 9 Years Apr 26, 2010 627 1 131 Sacramento-3 Chicken Yrs mrpekinduck said: No it's fine, they're all in the GJF section. Click to expand... Okay, cool.
Jan 11, 2012 #8 mrpekinduck Songster 8 Years Jun 29, 2011 2,219 6 151 Ducky Land! Seriously that drawing is amazing, where'd you learn to do that? I always wished I could draw good but even my art teacher says I'm hopeless!
Seriously that drawing is amazing, where'd you learn to do that? I always wished I could draw good but even my art teacher says I'm hopeless!
Jan 11, 2012 #9 F Fierlin1182 powered-flight 13 Years Aug 26, 2011 17,155 329 476 Sweet! Yeah, that moment when you decide to get back into drawing and your hand seems to turn everything into a construction error.... I was so out of practise.
Sweet! Yeah, that moment when you decide to get back into drawing and your hand seems to turn everything into a construction error.... I was so out of practise.
Jan 11, 2012 #10 DinosRBirds Hunted by Moonlight 12 Years Feb 1, 2011 2,274 24 266 Lake Huron,MI you rock!!!