You might be a Redneck if-

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In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Your wife and son are planting veggies in tires, your chickens are free ranging in the backyard, and the chicken coop has a tarp for a roof with plywood wired to the front wall for a wind break.

I might be a redneck, but I have a question, will the tire garden get enough sun where it is, looks like the grass under the deck is suffering, possibly from lack of sunlight. will you be able to move the garden at a later date?? How will you keep chickens out of the GARDEN when you get sprouts??
Oh yea, it'll get enough sun. They are in direct sunlight right there for the most part. The grass is dead because we killed it with round up prior to doing the tire garden. It's a bit hard getting a mower in there so we wanted the grass taken care of prior to planting. The plants that vine out and travel a bit will be going in there. That area gets lots of sun.

We only let the chickens out when we are able to be in the yard supervising. They stay pretty much by the swingset and the coop. We have a border collie dog that is actually tied near where the tire garden is. The dog gets tied up anytime the chickens are out. So, they tend to stay away from that area.
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You might be a redneck if.....

Your neighbors butcher a pig right in their carport.

My kids went over too see if their kids could play.

Bryan my 4 year old kept telling me about Aaron's "bad pig"

It was sooo bad Arron had to hang in up and chop it up.
Our chickens only free range when we can be outside supervising them. We have a couple of dogs that would love to get a hold of one. Also, there are lots of dogs in the neighborhood. So, we are very carefull with letting them out.
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