You Tube video on sexing chicks is ABUSE!

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13 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Ooooo, I don't know if I'm allowed to post a link on here, but I am SICKENED by what I just viewed! I was searching for examples on how to vent sex chicks and chose this video. Lord have mercy on these helpless babies! This is a good reason why people should not buy from hatcheries! Then they experience more horrible handling during transport to our homes.
Forgive me if I am doing something wrong by posting this link. Again, I am so horrified at the sheer roughness and thrashing these sweet babies are experiencing. I just need to vent. I don't think I will continue my search on vent sexing on you tube either.

link to activist propaganda removed
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I don't think that is really abusive, chicks are pretty tough but yes, unfortunately a small number of them will die from mishandling. However you have to remember, the sextors know what they are doing.
Ok, so what the hell are they doing to the chicks before checking their vents? It looks like they are squeezing out their vent into that tin canister. Absolutely horrible! Poor babies! I am so glad I am hatching out my own eggs from now on. Hatcheries are horrible. Is this what they do in America? Insane!
I'm a softie, and its kind of sad how they just toss them like that. You'd think they would come up with some sort of conveyor thing where they can just be placed on it. But that's also not in America, I would guess China? I hope its done a little more careful here. But they aren't intentionally inflicting pain on them (like yanking their little legs or something) but its still sad.
What I think is horrible, is the excess roos, they throw them into a meat grinder!! I realize there will always be more males than females desired, but???
They're tossing the chicks aside like they are discarding cracked peanut shells at the Outback. Sickening...just sickening.
OMG, is that what they are being tossed into? I couldn't make out what the metal can was. Was it a vacuum or shoot?
b.hromada :

What I think is horrible, is the excess roos, they throw them into a meat grinder!! I realize there will always be more males than females desired, but???
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