Young African Gander in Kentucky


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I love this guy to death, but he is starting to become aggressive with my 5-year-old son. He's actually trying to bite him
He is not aggressive with myself or my dad, but he doesn't like kids at all. He is this year's gosling, hatched in either April or May, I can't remember for sure.
He tries to 'defend' against dogs as well, though he's not mean. He actually plays with my little Jack Russell terrier

I love this guy to pieces, but I just can't have an aggressive goose. I would like for him to go to a good pet home. He came from eggs I hatched from Tim and Susie's Hen House.



Pick-up preferred, though I could probably ship if need be. As long as he goes some place that he will be loved
I am in Louisville. My gander recently started laying eggs, so I am in need of one... I have been searching pretty hard. How far are you from me?
About 100 miles to your south, 20 miles south of Campbellsville.

ETA: It might not be quite that far, it's about 1 1/2 hours' drive.
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Very rarely, and I don't know anyone that normally goes up that way. Our neighbor across the road is from Louisville, but they don't go back up there much and usually take their car when they do.
Well if you still have him and someone heads up this way, please let me know! I really need me a gander befor spring gets here, lol!

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