One of our chicks suffered dehydration today, we brought it inside to give it some water into its beak, and it drank. we tried this for a bunch of hours already, and eventually the diarrhea became whitish-blackish and more solid as it began to eat a little. It's still very sleepy but not really panting, and it doesn't sit as it falls asleep, but rather it stands in its place. We're curious how much efforts should be put to continue giving it water, as it is already quite late in the evening by us, and we can't possibly afford to stay up all nite with it. Any suggestions about how to proceed with this chick? Also, we've noticed in general that this particular chick has a slightly crooked beak and also seems to be keeping its head a little crooked (perhaps thats a cause of the dehydration but I figured I'll mention it anyways for the record). Any comments about this?