Is it normal for a cockerel to be a bit on edge?
I have an 11 week old light brahama cockerel who is definitely the top of the pecking order but he seems on edge. While hand feeding treats if I make any movement, even a slight wiggle of my finger he jumps as high as he can and squaks, lands on the other birds and takes a moment to settle back down (make sure there is no other movement) before going back to enjoying treats or just pecking at the ground around me. None of the other birds react like this, although none of them like being held anymore.
As younger chicks I tried to handle all of them, but he was too fast and I was never able to hold him, he was very weary of even approaching me if I had some of their feed in my hand while the others seemed fearless.
I am okay with my chickens not being lap chickens, although that could be nice. I just want to do what I can to make his life less stressful and hopefully reduce any fear that he may have in regards to me. I don't feel like I did anything that caused this, but as a first time chicken raiser I really don't know.
He is now always the first to come running to investigate when I enter the run, he is the first to start eating, but even if its just him and I have a slight movement (move my boot, drop my hand an inch) he will jump. Im just not sure if this is normal for teenagers or not
any suggestions would be great
I have an 11 week old light brahama cockerel who is definitely the top of the pecking order but he seems on edge. While hand feeding treats if I make any movement, even a slight wiggle of my finger he jumps as high as he can and squaks, lands on the other birds and takes a moment to settle back down (make sure there is no other movement) before going back to enjoying treats or just pecking at the ground around me. None of the other birds react like this, although none of them like being held anymore.
As younger chicks I tried to handle all of them, but he was too fast and I was never able to hold him, he was very weary of even approaching me if I had some of their feed in my hand while the others seemed fearless.
I am okay with my chickens not being lap chickens, although that could be nice. I just want to do what I can to make his life less stressful and hopefully reduce any fear that he may have in regards to me. I don't feel like I did anything that caused this, but as a first time chicken raiser I really don't know.
He is now always the first to come running to investigate when I enter the run, he is the first to start eating, but even if its just him and I have a slight movement (move my boot, drop my hand an inch) he will jump. Im just not sure if this is normal for teenagers or not
any suggestions would be great