Young delaware chick looking the same as an adult?


7 Years
Jul 26, 2012
I have a delaware who is suspicious for a rooster, "she" is 1 month old, would her neck feathers look the same when she is an adult? what would a 1 month old rooster look like?
I don't know the answer to your questions, but I have become very interested in the Delaware breed. Where did you get your hens, how many to you have, and do you like them?
okay, I got my hens from my pet chicken (i had A LOT of trouble with them....) and i have 2 delaware hens (supposedly) and they are quite friendly, except one of mine DOES NOT like to be held, but loves to be pet, but like all chickens, it depends on how you raise them.
Can't tell from the photos. The best way is to compare her to another bird her age, head to head. I love my Delaware hen. Lovely, gentle personality. Quiet. The rooster (given away to a friend) turned into a real big gentleman. Great breed!
thanks, i don't have any other delaware's this age, but i have an older one who has just little black dots for neck feathers, that's why we were thinking "she" is a rooster, because she has big black lines on her neck instead of small dots.
my older delaware chick (6wks) is pictured a few posts above, but that's not the one i'm questioning.
Both sexes would have barring on the hackle feathers. Pullets have tail black (black feathers edged in white) and cockerels have barred tail feathers. This is a 6 week old Delaware cockerel. They usually have smut down the back between the shoulders until they are older, while pullets have very little to none of that.

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