Poop Cleaner
In the Brooder
I thought it would be fun to see which breed was the most common lead hen in a flock. So lets start one listing all your hens in your flock, in order of dominance, starting with the lead hen. It might be worth mentioning where your rooster(s) stand in the flock, too.
Let me know if any breeds need to be added!
I will start:
Hens, in order of dominance.
1 Domnique (Head Hen)
1 Barred Rock
1 Buff Orpington
2 Blue wheaton Ameraucanas
1 Black/White Splash Easter Egger
1 Brown Easter Egger
1 Black Sex Link
1 Black Australorp
Roosters: None yet
Let me know if any breeds need to be added!
I will start:
Hens, in order of dominance.
1 Domnique (Head Hen)
1 Barred Rock
1 Buff Orpington
2 Blue wheaton Ameraucanas
1 Black/White Splash Easter Egger
1 Brown Easter Egger
1 Black Sex Link
1 Black Australorp
Roosters: None yet
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