Your most beautiful chicken: contest ends 12-24-12


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jun 15, 2012
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
Show off your most stunning and beautiful chicken! Your chicken can be any type or any breed and on Christmas Eve
I will judge them according to beauty and their name. They will only be placed from 1st-5th so please I want as many choices
on here to choose from as possible, so post your most beautiful chicken! Note: please put their name, breed, and variety.


killer the oxford game

scruffy,diamond,penguin,weenie the chicks

lucky the silkie

beaky the aracuna

cocky the unknow breed

queen the brahma

big man the mixed breed

mr and mrs buffy

lemon the pekin

violet the d,uccle

blue the aracuna

lacy the cornish bantam

lavener the pekin
Last edited:
Mirror, amerucana

Milkyway, amerucana

Tag, EE

vulture, unknown breed

Dot, wydottee

no name yet i havent had her that long, gold laced polish

no name yet i havent had her that long either, black cochin bantam pullet

Devil chicken(didnt used to be friendly wherre she got her name), Rhode island red

no name yet, white leghorn

Sorry about all the no names i have 17 chickens and 4 ducks and i have been looking for names that really fit their personalities. Allof the chickens i have named so far their names definatley match their personalities. And some of their pictures didnt turn out that well because most of these pitures i took while they were trying to eat in their chicken coop.
This is MR.A, the A stands for attitude, because he has a lot of attitude. I dont know what breed he is.

both of these pictures are of him. sorry if they are bluury he doesn't like to hold still.

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