Your thoughts on show breeds for kids


14 Years
15 Years
Jun 13, 2007
My daughter is now 4 and Im wanting to get her started in showing chickens at the state fair. Im not very familiar with bantams but since shes so small I thought that might be a good place to start?? I was wondering if any of you bantams lovers can recommend a good calm starter breed for her. Maybe a cochin or bramha??

Thanks.. Renae
My choice would be an OEGB. They are so sweet and docile, even the roos!!! My 8 year old just loves them and they are pocket sized :) Our bantam cochins and our bantam brahma are also really sweet, loveable birds. I just like the size and ease of handling with the OEGB.
Thanks guys.. Im going to be looking for her some birds to start working with soon. Maybe try a couple different good natured breeds and let her choose her favorite??


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