Recent content by coach723

  1. coach723

    Open Contest May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

    This might by my neighbors cat!!:lau
  2. coach723

    Rooster foot Injury

    Glad it seems to be getting better. No harm in doing the epsom salt soaks either, if they seem to help.
  3. coach723

    Open Contest May Madness, a Random Funny Posting Contest

    May each of us always remember, even in the roughest of times, the toughest of times, that someone, somewhere, gave everything so we could have that moment.
  4. coach723

    What is the best all-around wormer?

    It cannot be added to water, it will settle out. They won't get the correct dose. It needs to be given orally to be effective and dosed correctly. How many birds do you have? Easiest way to worm them is to lock them in the coop at dark, go out early in the morning before sun up and take...
  5. coach723

    Egg bound or something else? Urgent

    I will link to a very good article, it discusses various methods. I do it the same way she does. It may seem unkind, but I tried other recommended methods, and my experiences were similar to those in the article. I use large branch loppers that I keep sharp and are only used for this...
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