Recent content by honeyb711

  1. honeyb711

    5wks gut tells me roo

    8wks now...& still with Mumma, who has just started laying again. I ended up sending some samples for DNA sexing, will have the results this week sometime...& then I'm pretty sure this little one will have to leave for his new home on the weekend 🥺
  2. honeyb711

    Purple Chicken 🤔

    Thank you for the explanation x I've only heard the term twice, & one of those times someone was referring to a silkie, & they used the term 'gypsy purple'...which is why I thought this may have been what they meant. She is pretty anyway, & I'd love to have bred her with my Buff Silkie Roo, only...
  3. honeyb711

    Purple Chicken 🤔

    Snow White is one of 6 silkies that I rescued a few months ago now. She is not the nicest hen, in fact, she killed one of our hatchies a month ago...& to be honest, I've been mad at her ever since. Today though while out with them, I paid her some more attention than I have been & it got me...
  4. honeyb711

    Please! No more photos

    Scrolling my older posts, & thought I would just update this one....because these 2 beautiful girls were truly amazing, they were the first chicks of my first flock & they were the last 2 to survive. They both lived to celebrate their 7th birthday with us before they sadly passed...within...
  5. honeyb711

    5wks gut tells me roo

    As in pullets or adult hens? Because my hens definitely have bigger combs than this guy. Also, I'm not disagreeing, I actually feel that it's a boy....I'm still just hoping so badly I'm wrong though 😅
  6. honeyb711

    Feels like the first time all over again

    Please don't swear at me 🥴 I'm still in denial that my Rori is a boy 😬🤫
  7. honeyb711

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Mumma Po & Baby Rori enjoying an egg for brekky
  8. honeyb711

    5wks gut tells me roo

    Still waiting for this little rascal to let me know if it's a boy or girl 🥴
  9. honeyb711

    Feels like the first time all over again

    So after at least 3months of no eggs from our Mumma hen, Pocahontas, she has decided to start laying again & I collected the first egg from her today 🥰 I was a little unsure if she would hold out longer because she is still mothering her 7wk old chick...but while her baby explored, she took...
  10. honeyb711

    Should I be worried?

    I definitely will xx We love all the girls, & my little roo is my fav, but this beautiful girl is extra special to us, because very shortly after we got them, she managed to get herself stuck in some fencing...she was hanging by only her neck & was very very close to dead when we went to check...
  11. honeyb711

    Should I be worried?

    Thank you for all the advice, I've successfully given her the first dose of extra calcium, & it was so much easier than I thought it would be! Probably helped she thought she was getting a treat the others miss out on 😅 Hopefully this is all that is needed to sort out whatever is going on 🤞🏼...
  12. honeyb711

    Should I be worried?

    Ok, thank you x She is very friendly, & morning will be better for's already too cold for me to go back outside & I'm showered & in my pjs 😅 Fingers crossed she doesn't hate me afterwards 🤞🏼
  13. honeyb711

    Should I be worried?

    Sounds easy enough...I just know the fight the cats put on 😬 Maybe a silly question, but should I start tonight as she going to bed, or in the morning when she is hungry & demanding treats?
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