Recent content by Justicedog

  1. Justicedog

    7 to 8 week chicks outside for the first night.

    My chicks are 7-8 weeks old. I do not have my main coop cleaned out and separated for them. The past 2-3 days I’ve had them out in my mini coop, but would bring them kicking and squawking back into the garage brooder at night. I figured I’d leave them out there tonight but am worried for two...
  2. Justicedog

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    But I don't want my chickens associated with a loser. :D
  3. Justicedog

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    Thanks you all. Lots of options. The triangle shaped one seems like something I can manage.
  4. Justicedog

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    Thanks for the responses. I wasn’t sure how to do the roof. I think I was also over engineering it. Debbie, thanks for sharing those posts. I could see how the roof was made. Rosemarythyme, are there any troubles with blocking chickens from the food with only one open side? Your playset...
  5. Justicedog

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    Does anyone have a covered chicken feeder station? I’m planning on making some sort of roofed housing for my chickens feed. Sort of like a little gazebo.
  6. Justicedog

    Comment by 'Justicedog' in article 'Pelletized Bedding / Shavings'

    My concern is that they would eat it as it looks like their food. That doesn't happen?
  7. Justicedog

    Temps too hot?
  8. Justicedog

    Temps too hot?

    I've got 5 old birds, 4 babies. I'll just really need to get that coop cleaned out and sprayed soon. I just got some Saturday lime, so will see how that works too.
  9. Justicedog

    Temps too hot?

    My chicks are 6 weeks today. The temperature chart says 68-70 degrees. They're currently in my garage. The temp in the garage is warmer than what they should be, about 75 degrees. Do I need to worry about getting some fans for them? They do look pretty near fully feathered. I've got a coop...
  10. Justicedog

    Neighbor's Dog Killed Suzie, my old hen

    Oh, and it's been awhile, so I will update. After the promise by them that they'll watch their dog when it's out, I had the chickens out and I hear a ruckus and there that damn dog is running after my chickens with a mouth full of grey feathers. I ran out in my socks (this was when the ground...
  11. Justicedog

    Neighbor's Dog Killed Suzie, my old hen

    I think this is the right attitude. I think you acted like an adult and a neighbor. I'm sorry for the loss of your chickens. I think it's good to have a place to vent, within reason, with people who can understand. That can help move one forward to behave with grace and reasonableness.
  12. Justicedog

    Food shelter

    I think I may have to just build a roof over their run. It just intimidates me.
  13. Justicedog

    Food shelter

    We had our food hanging inside our coop for years, but it seemed to be in the way and was a pain to work around. We switched to having it in our run when we put up a tent in the run (one of those tents you'd take to watch your kid play baseball, but now the kid is 23 and doesn't play and even...
  14. Justicedog

    Mixing 3 week old chicks with 3 day old chicks

    I have 3 - 3 week old chicks (cream legbar, blue copper marans and a splash australorp), along with 1- 4 week chick (white leghorn) in a brooder. The feed store has a 3 day (maybe 1 week old) olive egger I wanted, along with ONE other friend - (americauna or chocolate laced orp, or another...
  15. Justicedog

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I planted a bunch of seeds - sunflower, aster, bee balm, cabbage, bok choy, spinach, lettuce, oregano, basil, green onion, rosemary and put them outside as it was a nice and sunny day. Now I'm trying to decide if I need to go bring them in as night time temp will be 50 degrees.
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