Recent content by Midnight Maran Momma

  1. M

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    I'm very thankful we saved up and had a 6' privacy fence put up around most of our residential acre of land. The front yard is quite open, but the fence starts at the front of our home (maybe 40' in). We're looking to build our coop & run where the blue is, along one side of our home. There's...
  2. M

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    Found out yesterday that our Marans are now able to fly out of their brooder! I had leftover chiffon from an old project I was finished with, so I clipped it over their enclosure. I figured it would be the most breathable cover I had currently available. Between that and the mesh along the sides...
  3. M

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    Yes thanks! One of our pups is a big, goofy 'vintage' Staffordshire Terrier, the other is a 3 year old Morkie. The Morkie (Pepper) was the one who's always got his nose to the pen side, but as soon as I bring a bird out, he drops & puts his belly in the air. He's the one who got pecked in the...
  4. M

    TSC chicks

    Here in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia, the minimum TSC will sell us is six.
  5. M

    Meyer Hatchery: A Raise A long (Black & Blue Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, Easter Egger and Olive Eggers Galore)

    Hello! I'm new here, with three 3 week old BCMs & three 2.5 week old E.E.s (so far). My BCMs are only about d four days older than the others, but they're noticably bigger, Way more inquisitive, and a bit pushy! My E.E.s are sweet and gentle (except one- Chicken Little is a complete spazz and...
  6. M


    What about fresh oregano? I've got three almost three weeks old BC Marans, and three EE.s that are two weeks old. If I throw maybe a dozen oregano leaves (each leaf maybe the size of the top of my pinky, and I've got narrow fingers) around in my brooder, would that be safe for them? The Marans...
  7. M

    Trying out names for my baby chicks 😍

    ..Now I'm thinking of naming the Marans Skipper, Kowalski and Rico, (from Penguins of Madagascar), because two seem to be very intelligent and the third... not so much, but I keep catching them doing things like this. Today, one was looking like she was trying to coax one of my E.E.s up on top...
  8. M

    Pasty Butt vs a Little Poop on the Behind

    I just had to deal with this with two of my E.E. chicks. I'd been checking every two days, but noticed it this evening. It wasn't a full-on coverage of poo over their vents, but some hardened nastiness under their vents. One had more than the other. I put the two with the issue into a little box...
  9. M

    Trying out names for my baby chicks 😍

    Hello! I just got six chicks yesterday. Three BCMs & three EEs. The Marans seem to be maybe 4-7 days older than the EEs, and they're bossier than I expected them to be. I'd always read they were docile, but they Love to peck at me, particularly at my wedding band. I'm thinking of calling them...
  10. M

    Neurodivergent chicken keepers

    Much better way to put it, thank you! I never officially looked into it, but had been told (not by my husband, but a vet tech & others) Staffordshire Terriers were a specific breed of dogs in the Pit Bull line? Yes! People who get animals because they're cute, but don't do ANY research...
  11. M

    Neurodivergent chicken keepers

    Hi Fish! I'd never heard the term HSP before. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. Nice hen!
  12. M

    Neurodivergent chicken keepers

    Our oldest Pibble (Tigger) did that! My husband was worried about Tigger when he seemed to develop a limp out of nowhere, and he couldn't find any wounds, so he took him to the vet. Paid $$$ to find Tigger missed the attention the pretty vet techs paid him! On e they left the building, Tigger...
  13. M

    New Chicklet Mom in VA

    Yikes! Good to know! Thanks for the heads up!
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