Recent content by Pollmadoll

  1. Pollmadoll

    Can you help me hatch my first batch of eggs

    I had to assist hatch a detatched air cell complicated egg a month ago that had a mother hen so a natural hatch as the membrane had shrink wrapped . Chick perfectly healthy and happy . A miracle .
  2. Pollmadoll

    Can you help me hatch my first batch of eggs

    How was the hatch in the end?
  3. Pollmadoll

    Is this a boy or girl one month old Frizzle chick?

    Wondering if this is boy or girl chick?
  4. Pollmadoll

    When to integrate mother and chick back to flock?

    I would like to introduce a mother hen and her one month old Frizzle chick who used to be part of the flock -(2 Pekins and one white silky) The 2Pekins became broody together . Nearing hatch day I only had one egg going to hatch due to detatched air cell complications with the other eggs ...
  5. Pollmadoll

    Two broody hens in one box

    Great news the little chick is chirping away today . 🎉🥳💫🌸🌺🐔🐣
  6. Pollmadoll

    Chick hatched miraculously with alot of from myself .

    Chick hatched miraculously with alot of from myself .
  7. Pollmadoll

    Two broody hens in one box

    So the chick finally hatched today but I had to help him / her out because the membrane had gone completely dry as we were dealing with a detached aircell all along and the little one was struggling since yesterday afternoon so let’s just pray the little one will fluff up and Astra the mum...
  8. Pollmadoll

    Two broody hens in one box

    Yes I agree to what you’re saying. I am thinking of separating them but as you say it’s 50-50 which mother hen will be better. I have one called Astra who is a grey Pekin bantam and her sister who is a ginger colour and she’s called Mimi so I’m on day 17 at the moment. Having candled the egg...
  9. Pollmadoll

    Two broody hens in one box

    My problem is that I have two broody hens in the same nest and only (having candled six eggs that were sent in the post and had detatched air cells) . Only one viable egg has survived at day 15 . Would it be a good idea to separate the two hens and only have one hatch this chick as I’m...
  10. Pollmadoll

    Hatching eggs with saddle air cells

    I am also wondering whether a broody hen can successfully hatch eggs with saddle shaped air cells?
  11. Pollmadoll

    Help! Huge saddle shaped air cells!

    I have just received six eggs in the post and we’re now on day three and I’ve just candled them and they’re looking as though they have saddle shaped air cells. I have two broody Pekins who I wanted to hatch through them so just wondering if there’s any help at all if I just let nature take...
  12. Pollmadoll

    What age can a chicken eat whole corn?

    I have ten day old chicks and their mother . So far the mother has only been eating chick crumbs since they hatched she had mixed corn through the three week hatch. Can I give her corn again with her chicks whilst they have the chick crumb?
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