Recent content by z3lda3

  1. z3lda3

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    You know, I haven’t had poison ivy rash since I was a kid- many many moons ago. I do not remember it being so horrendous! Tecnu-buying some immediately! Even if it doesn’t help atm I should have some on hand for future stupidity. Right now I just look like cotton candy, I’m covered in calamine...
  2. z3lda3

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    Oh yes I most definitely am 100% getting rid of these demon plants. I’m trying my best to dig all the root but sometimes they’re deep! nope fortunately my chickens are healthy as can be, at this point they’re healthier than me. My girls aren’t covered in a demon rash. In the evenings I let them...
  3. z3lda3

    Wrath's Marans

    Kong is busy busy busy!
  4. z3lda3

    Wrath's Marans

    Awww look at the cutie patootie wooties! ( said in baby voice, otherwise it’s just weird).
  5. z3lda3

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    Is that it? No magical dust or something??
  6. z3lda3

    Now what? Poison ivy??

    I hope this is the right forum. I’ve been clearing some weeds from my yard, poison ivy. I totally forgot the “leaves of three leave it be”. My girls were with me. Even though I had on gloves and THOUGHT I took precautions (from spiders, they creep me out) I’ve got neck to toe poison ivy rash...
  7. z3lda3

    Wrath's Marans

    Such a gorgeous guy!
  8. z3lda3

    Wrath's Marans

    Kong has a great crow!
  9. z3lda3

    What age should I get?

    Hi, this is my first year raising chickens. I’ve got ALL ages. I’ve got a day old chick, 5 weeks, 9 weeks and 14 weeks. Baby chicks are the cutest! I carry them around in my pocket, I LOVE them, buuuut, they can be waaayyyy more maintenance. If you’ve got time and energy definitely get chicks. A...
  10. z3lda3

    Sigh.. two separate flocks? Gomes the rotten rooster!

    My son said the same thing. Sheryl is my ‘head hen’ and my son said ‘let Sheryl teach him he’s not God of chicken world’. I’d be scared she’d kill him. But maybe a good peck or two would put some of his fire out.
  11. z3lda3

    Sigh.. two separate flocks? Gomes the rotten rooster!

    Why can’t everyone just get along?? I’ve got 4 12 week hens, they’re great, eating, roosting and well more eating. 2 legbars sweet little timid things about 7 weeks old, 2 bantams 8/9 weeks old, and 2 babies about 3/4 weeks old. Everyone gets along fine (I watch my bigger hens of course, just...
  12. z3lda3

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Right?! That’s what I said no insulation! But hubby saw a YouTube video… I said I THINK the thing is ventilation no drafts.
  13. z3lda3

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Hi! So I’ve got what I THOUGHT was an old shed on my property. Trees and brush had taken over, and once my husband cleared the area, turns out it’s an old chicken coop. It’s huge, at least for us. I’d guess, 9’ tall, 20’ long and 15’ deep. Or bigger. The inside in divided in two by a barn door...
  14. z3lda3

    Y’all remember when I asked if I should get a rooster?

    Well Gomez’s comb and wattles are much bigger and very red. His flock mate..nothing. He’s attempting to crow although it’s odd, like he swallowed egg shells and can’t remember the end. It’s hysterical. And twice he has mounted my legbar (she’s only 5 weeks). If he’s not a rooster I’ll be VERY...
  15. z3lda3

    What’s the deal with you chicken people??

    Is it just the boys? Or a general quail thing?
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