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  1. Sylver Queen

    Dosage for wormer in 2-week-old chicks??

    Sorry if this is old hat, but I've looked around and I'm not quite sure if I can give fenbendazole paste to a chick. Got visible worms in slightly bloody stool and I want to get on this ASAP for her. All I've got on hand is the equine paste and tomorrow is a holiday. Dosage is a "pea-sized...
  2. Sylver Queen

    Pullet wing ripped off but so far okay, any suggestions?

    Hello! Asking for a friend who is not on BYC. ;) At least 3 weeks ago now he moved his pullets from the garage to an outside chick run and discovered one chick had a bald side. After he investigated he discovered she had a bloody nub with about half an inch of bone exposed due to a night where...
  3. Sylver Queen

    Update: did not make it - Thought egg was dead, opened and it's alive, any chance??

    I know, I should have known better and I feel completely horrible, but I'm asking for help anyway. Day 23 and I know eggs can go even longer but there is zero sign of movement at any point, large air sac with no pip, and everybody else finished hatching over 24 hours ago. I had kept it in the...
  4. Sylver Queen

    Humidity and temp question, Nurture Right 360

    I know guys, yet another question on the NR. ;) Sorry, but I think I looked over every other thread and I'm a first-time incubator and just candled my eggs on day 9 and there's clearly development but I'm worried about temp and humidity. I got some Govee thermometer/hygrometers, this kind...
  5. Sylver Queen

    Lethargic hatchery chick won't eat, advice appreciated!

    Hello all! My chicks came in the mail yesterday in record time and 18 were healthy and one was wobbly on her feet and wouldn't eat or drink. I thought it might be shock but even though she's capable of moving she favors one side, and mostly stays under the light. The only thing she has...
  6. Sylver Queen

    Mama hen accidently stepping on chicks, yikes

    Hello! I am a first-time hatcher of chicks beneath a hen and it is wonderful. She did an amazing job setting (7 out of 8 first try!), is a dedicated mama even though she's just under a year old, my only issue seems to be that she's fairly high strung and while she's gentle and attentive as can...
  7. Sylver Queen

    Celebrating my First Home Hatch! <3

    Hello! I dreamed of owning chickens for several years, then 13 years ago I got my first flock and dreamed of breeding but did not live in a place zoned for roosters. So I moved. :D Last year I had a dedicated broody but the conditions were not quite right for her and the eggs did not make it to...
  8. Sylver Queen

    Baby chick shock, neurological damage?? Suggestions appreciated!

    Hello again so soon, I arrived at a client's house today to find him stooped over his 3-week-old pullet. She had gotten stuck under a feeder for several hours (God knows how), and I offered to take her home with me since he did not have a "sick bay" and I did. I was concerned something more...
  9. Sylver Queen

    Hen suddenly very sick, do you know what is wrong with this egg??

    Hello all, I've got an 11-month-old Blue Andalusian pullet who is suddenly trying not to die. Found her in the nesting box at bedtime count with a purplish comb and droopy wings. When I brought her in just now albumen squirted out of her, and this morning someone had dropped a yolk from the...
  10. Sylver Queen

    Not emergency - What is this inside my hen's comb??

    Hello! About a year ago (I know, I feel bad 😬) one of my lower pecking order hens got a little pecked on the comb, just normal fussing, and she had a couple of small scabs, but then the next time she got pecked the scab didn't go away, just a whitish gray thing, then I noticed over the months...
  11. Sylver Queen

    No symptoms other than deadly sounding breathing in pullet, gapeworm?

    Hello! I've been looking and looking on here over the last few days refreshing myself on everything that can go wrong respiratory-wise, but all I can come up with is gapeworm. I'm hoping someone with experience in this can give me some clarification! Seven-month-old mixed breed pullet, adopted...
  12. Sylver Queen

    Changed question to: End stage liver disease?

    Hello! My beloved bird is old, I know she's likely not going to make it anyway. But I thought I'd put this out there for the information for the future. Got an Easter Egger who just turned 11 and she's been ailing for a month or so now with yellow urates that have now turned more of a green...
  13. Sylver Queen

    Mycoplasma question, but not emergency yet

    Hi, everyone. So I made a big mistake and bought eight-week-old pullets from a guy a few miles down the road last year, and then noticed my three-year-old barred rock started laying weak and funny-shaped eggs, and now ten months later my 10-year-old Ameraucana has labored breathing and is...
  14. Sylver Queen

    Blue Plymouth Rock?

    I've been looking forward to breeding chickens since I started keeping them a decade ago, and on a whim I decided to look up this little lady's purported breed. The guy I bought her from as a pullet said she was a Blue Plymouth Rock, but then I started looking into the breed and I'm wondering if...
  15. Sylver Queen

    Old hen labored breathing and bubbly eyes (MG?), but I just bought new chicks!

    Hi there everyone. Well, after spending hours looking over similar posts I decided to post one of my own, simply to get the current wisdom for dosage of medications and advice for my particular situation. I have a beautiful 10-year-old Ameraucana hen who has been so healthy, but I noticed the...
  16. Sylver Queen

    Hen separating herself, not eating, yellow poop with some blood and LOTS of plant matter

    Hello! My 15-month-old barred rock has been gradually declining the last few days. Today is the first day she will not eat out of my hand, and she has not come off the roost from last night. Comb is still a good color, eyes are bright with no discharge, but poop is runny and yellow with LOTS of...
  17. Sylver Queen

    Chicken ate wormer for dogs/cats - niclosamide and levamisole - vomit or leave her?

    Hi. Yikes! I was so distracted by worming my cats that I left some wormer in ground beef of all things where one of my four-year-old hens could get it. She ate approximately the dose for an eleven-pound cat, and she's at least six pounds herself, but I've read that vomiting a chicken is risky...
  18. Sylver Queen

    Hello, from another "New Egg"

    Hello, everyone! Thought I’d take a minute to introduce myself, and thank BYC for having such a helpful site for people who raise chickens. I joined the forum back in July when every internet search I ran for tips on how to take care of my badly injured chicken led me back to a site called...
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