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  1. Riverbend Farms

    rat proof waterers

    does anyone know of any rat proof waterers
  2. Riverbend Farms

    Is this a broken wing?

    Hello, My 4 y/o BO hen has been acting slow, and in pain lately. Her wing seems very drooped and I'm wondering if its broken. If it is, how should I go about healing it?
  3. Riverbend Farms


    Hi, I have 2 d'uncles and I wanted to know how heat hardy this breed tends to be? Mine are show quality so they have the bull neck, full muffs and lots of feathering and have big single combs.. I found my hen really hot today (she had just layed an egg and the coop gets hotter than outside) and...
  4. Riverbend Farms

    White jeans

    I didn't know exactly where to put this thread so I put here. Mods if you feel it is better in a different spot please move it. Anyways, I have county fair in a few weeks and I'm trying to find white boot-cut or flare jeans. Does anyone know of any?
  5. Riverbend Farms

    Photo Critques

    Can anyone critique these photos? They are for my county fair. Also please help me decide between 6a and 6b 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6a. 6b. 7. 8.
  6. Riverbend Farms

    Training a nervous bird

    Hello, I have an 8 m/o d'uccle pullet who I am trying to train to pose but she will not stand still and flips out. She is a backup bird incase my main dies, so not much pressure on her. Should I try to calm her by bringing her in the house and doing things with her? Should I give up and get a...
  7. Riverbend Farms

    Hen Died

    Hello, My BO hen died last night. She was 4 years (and one of my OG chickens so great start to today) She was by the door of the run when I went to let my chickens out. I am looking for some ideas on why she may have died. She is buried so no necropsy or anything. She was healthy and active and...
  8. Riverbend Farms

    Showmanship Tips

    I have a poultry show in 1 1/2 weeks and I want to know the best ways to win it. Some extra info: I have won showmanship before (in a class of 5) and this show is as equally as small I believe. I am showing a Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded D'Uccle pullet. She is trained to pose and I am about to...
  9. Riverbend Farms

    Chicken Friendly Outdoor Cats

    I want to get a cat to help with rodent control with my chickens. How should I acclimate it to my birds? I have 6 large fowl hens that it would have to be acclimated to. Would cats also be able to sleep in the coop/run? Any advice/tip and tricks please! Thanks!
  10. Riverbend Farms

    Chicken off balance - worried it’s neurological

    I have an Easter eager right now who seems to have trouble walking. She is going through a pretty heavy molt and is losing a lot of body feathers including her tail. She can eat and drink well, her eyes and nares are good, her crop was flat this morning and has normal poop. She can walk...
  11. Riverbend Farms

    How to prevent against cats

    This morning my hens got attacked by a cat. We think we may have let them out too early. We have a small backyard and live in a city so we cannot have anything like a livestock guardian dog. What would be best to ensure other cats don’t come to attack our hens? would another cat marking its...
  12. Riverbend Farms

    HELP! Hen having red poop, worried

    My 1 and a half year old OEGB hen had some almost bloody looking poop today and I am a bit worried, is this just occasional? What could it be? I feed my bantams layer crumble and they have been drinking lots of water and have been getting tons of watermelon. It has been very hot lately up to 108...
  13. Riverbend Farms

    How to manage heat when you are away from chickens for a week.

    I am going away from my girls for 8 days, and on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday it will be 99F and above (Thursday being about 107 and Friday being 113F, but will get back when it is about 104F) My friend is taking care of my birds, and they will be giving cold and frozen treats like watermelon...
  14. Riverbend Farms

    Chickens underweight and skinny, a little worried.

    I have two hens, a 3 y/o and a 1 y/o who are both about 3 pounds (Most of the birds are 4-5 pounds) and I am worried because they are thin. They are both at the bottom of the pecking order, lay regularly, and get pushed away from the food. They both have good appetites and seem to want to eat...
  15. Riverbend Farms

    Hen losing weight and diarrhea

    Yesterday I noticed my EE Hen was a bit thin. She has diarrhea, but is acting normal, eating, drinking, making noise, being active, not isolating herself. This makes me think it is worms or mites, which my australorp probably has worms. I sprayed premtherin under her wings and around her vent...
  16. Riverbend Farms

    Are D’Uccles heat hardy

    I am planning on getting A couple D’uccle hens/pullets, and I wanted to know if they are heat hardy (talking about an average of 93 degrees to 107 at highs), like I get they will need to be cooled down, but can they survive 90s to 100 with little help?
  17. Riverbend Farms

    EMERGENCY! Hen not walking on one leg.

    I went out to check on my chickens, and I noticed my silkie seemed hot. I doused her in some cold water and now all of a sudden, she cannot walk on leg. She seems to be sleeping/tired and she can stand, but doesn’t want to. She was acting fine before. She is not currently laying (Not...
  18. Riverbend Farms

    EMERGENCY - Hen twitching - Muscle Distortion

    My 5-6 year old bantam Wyandotte hen has been having issues breathing and has shown signs of Gapeworm. Tonight I steamed her and her head and chest started to twitch. I am really worried she might die. Any ideas? Maybe she was trying to dislodge it?
  19. Riverbend Farms

    HELP! Older hen having trouble breathing

    Lately (Last 3-5 weeks) I have noticed my almost 6 year old bantam Wyandotte hen stretching her neck out slightly and opening her mouth a little to breathe sometimes. And she also has occasionally sneezed and today had a 5 second sneezing fit. I think it may be gapeworms and it has been getting...
  20. Riverbend Farms

    How to make a chicken yard smell better

    It has been an extremely wet winter here in NorCal and it has kind of stank (the chicken area) so I was wondering if there were anyways to keep the smell down so neighbors don’t complain
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