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    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...
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    Hardware Cloth Apron Design for Corners

    Can someone share how they are building hardware cloth aprons around corners? Trying to figure out how how to efficiently get this done without wasting a ton of hardware cloth by doubling up or making 1000 cuts.
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    Has anyone successfully built a coop/run around an existing tree?

    I've got a spot picked up for my chickens that's nice and shady, but I'd like to include this oak tree that's growing almost horizontally. Any ideas on how I could incorporate it safely without ruining the integrity of my boundaries? I think the tree is likely if minimal value to the chickens...
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    Chicken Math is real. 0 to 10 in 72 hrs.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? While we've joked about having our own supply of fresh eggs, we never planned to raise chickens. As of last Friday we're now backyard chicken farmers(well garage, for now)! Here's our timeline: Thu: Our older child's class hatched 6...
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