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  1. Mrs. K

    Egg odor in fridge

    Also, if you are keeping them in the fridge - go ahead and wash the dirty ones. Keep the washed ones separate from the unwashed and use them up sooner. Might want to water glass eggs, but those need to come from the hen clean. Mrs K
  2. Mrs. K

    Delaware chicken weird behavior?

    If the feed switch works, it should before 10 days after the change. If not, and I really do not expect it to, but it might, I don't think you can do much, except bath her occasionally, and not expect eggs from her, and keep an eye on her to make sure she is not suffering.
  3. Mrs. K

    One slow chicken

    Sometimes you get a bird that just does not fit in the flock. And obviously she is the victim. But having her there, being the victim is upsetting to your other hens. I would move this bird on. Sometimes this is a space issue in the set up. What is the measurements of your set up? I would...
  4. Mrs. K

    Delaware chicken weird behavior?

    Laying issues is predominately a genetic issue. A goof in the laying mechanism. A good diet is important, and generally supports good laying, but it is not a cure all. I would not hatch this birds eggs, and I would not expect her to have a long life. I think you do have issues, but I don't see...
  5. Mrs. K

    Sudden pale yolks

    Test for worms before you worm. No need in worming if they don't have them. I sometimes have hens that lay lower quality eggs, - I just use those to cook with, and do not hatch them.
  6. Mrs. K

    Aggressive behavior or normal pecking order shenanigans (cockerel)?

    IMO Waiting is not a good idea with cockerels and children. There are countless posts on here where the attack came out of nowhere on this forum. It is not like they are going to say, "I will give you to next Tuesday, and then I am attacking." Roosters have ruined the whole chicken hobby for a...
  7. Mrs. K

    Scared Hens

    Some breeds are more flighty than others. If you want them friendly, put a chair in there and sit with a book or your phone, until they start to ignore you. Drop a little scratch and leave. Day two - repeat, but once they start ignoring you toss the grain away from you. They are going to act...
  8. Mrs. K

    New chicken Bullying older Chicken

    A lot of people with small flocks swear by them. Thing is, she is hurting the other birds. But most hens wear them successfully with no issues. I would give it a try if I did not want her culled.
  9. Mrs. K

    Roosters suddenly fighting

    I think you have given it a fair shot. I think if you get a truce, it will be temporary and they will start fighting again. Roosters are a crap shoot, and how they were yesterday, has little to no influence next week. But once they start fighting, the aggression has a strong tendency to grow.
  10. Mrs. K

    Reintroducing rooster- how can I stop them fighting

    they don't call it cockfighting for nothing. I would get rid of one of them. Your choice. There is a strong possibility, that they could seriously injure each other. Some people let them duke it out, winner takes all. I just don't like the strife, and it upsets the other birds, even though they...
  11. Mrs. K

    Best way to add to the flock

    Call Tractor supply and see when they get new chicks, be there when they come in. The store will barely handle them. Do not take anything you feel sorry for. If you have full size chickens now, adding bantams can be problematic. Some people get it to work, and others struggle on it. I have...
  12. Mrs. K

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    Get a pallet, park next to it, change your clothes standing on it or sitting on the passenger seat. I too prefer water and a bar of soap. But it is a personal preference. Truthfully I think you are over thinking it. I change my clothes at the end of the day, wash my hands through out the day...
  13. Mrs. K

    Biosecurity and sanitation with no infrastructure

    A gallon jug of water and a towel will work fine for washing up. Really two gallons of milk jugs is more than enough for a “shower”. I do not wear shoe coverings in my own coop. Cooking eggs kills bacteria. And really there is nothing you can do about wild birds and their diseases except get...
  14. Mrs. K

    Rooster shooting blanks

    At 11 months, he should be good to go.
  15. Mrs. K

    How do you decide what rooster to keep?

    How old are the kids? Cause if they are under 6 years old, I would advise removing all of the roosters, you have years to do this hobby, and roosters have ruined it for a lot of kids. What I do is cull several times: First cut - anything I don't like for any reason 2nd cut - two weeks later, I...
  16. Mrs. K

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    A water system would really help. Water is heavy, and hard to carry. But that would also be expensive. Feed your dogs commercial dog food several times a week. That doesn't mean you can't or should not cook for them, but every day is very time consuming. Feed them in different places, so you...
  17. Mrs. K

    New coop

    Can you put the box in the coop? Chickens hate change, complain loudly. They will get over it, and 9 week old chickens do not need added heat at really any temperature that an adult chicken can live in.
  18. Mrs. K

    Boosting A Rooster's Confidence?

    I do understand about rebuilding a flock, been there and done that. But chickens really don't get waiting for things to be better. They are seeing it now. I too suggest, letting one of the roosters go. I am betting there is a lot of tensions and strife in your flock that you may not be aware of...
  19. Mrs. K

    My 11week chicks are roosters, now what?

    They don't call it cock fighting for nothing. IMO these are the possibilities: a slight chance that they all just love each other - very slight The old rooster, whoops some a55, and these remain on the fringes of the flock. terrible fighting a large amount of time. A lot depends on your set...
  20. Mrs. K

    Rehoming Entire Flock- Help need Advice

    Look at options is always a good idea, might be letting the duck go and part of the flock would be a good fit. They talk about chicken math, and more is better, and most of us have been bitten with that idea. But really a smaller flock is often times a lot less work, less feed, less water and...
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