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  1. Waddlewoods

    Bachelor pen for too many drakes

    Yes...I'm fully aware! They were free ranging at the time. Their pen is more than adequate. We live in a forest in Canada and I can see in the snow and on the trail cams that predators try and get in the pen but cannot. It's all hardware cloth all the way around and above and 2 feet into the...
  2. Waddlewoods

    Bachelor pen for too many drakes

    So since posting this thread we had a fox attack our flock. Luckily I saw it and scared him off but we did have an injured duck and drake which we brought inside for a week to heal up. They are totally fine now and have since been put back with the flock. Funny thing is this bully drake has...
  3. Waddlewoods

    Bachelor pen for too many drakes

    Uuggg. It's so hard. Yes I've noticed that with the warmer weather they seem to be more frisky. I keep a close eye on them and really it's just the one bully drake. Would removing him help or do you think the next drake in line will fill in as the bully? It's just crappy because the bully drake...
  4. Waddlewoods

    Bachelor pen for too many drakes

    We have been duck owners since June of last year so we are going to be experiencing our first mating season. We had terrible luck with both our hatches and now have 6 drakes and only 4 hens. 🙈 I know this is not good but they are pets and my kids are very attached. I told them we could try a...
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