chicken residential rules and regulations

  1. A

    City of Austin

    The City of Austin publishes a fairly complete chicken keeping guide that includes links to all of the rules/regulations. They also created a chicken keeping class that goes over a lot of this material. Of note, as of 10-20-2022, rules around chicken enclosure regulations were modified to...
  2. Z

    Township headaches...!

    My township in Michigan "permitted" me to keep poultry in 2016, due to a letter sent to them by my Veterans' Administration psychiatrist, who pointed out that "as a 100%, combat-disabled veteran, keeping poultry is essential to my continuing recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...
  3. Gordon Wu

    Wow, just found this community, I am not alone anymore....

    Hi everyone! My name is Gordon and I am in New Jersey. My wife and I have raised up three children and they all gone. Now we found our new life style here - raising up a flock of chicks, and they are my new babies now, to care about..., since July 2021 of the pandemic, I have raised up 30 chicks...
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