red butt

  1. CarlaCo

    Poopy butt or infection?

    Hi all. One of our 5 girls has had diarrhea on and off and a poopy butt. I finally help in holding her while I clipped away as much as I could and asked a bit. We have no experience with this. She even squirted some right out as we worked. Yuck! I did not see any bugs or mites. But as you can...
  2. Fluffy_Feathers

    Barred Rock roo has INCREDIBLY red butt area

    Hey everyone. I have a ~1 year old barred rock rooster who I just noticed this evening has an incredibly red butt area that extends down his abdomen. It's redder than a strawberry. I'm not too sure if this is a breed thing since he is my only barred rock, so maybe this is kind of a noobie...
  3. S

    Red butt chicken

    What is up with my hen. She's almost 2 so I understand it may be a molt but I'm not sure. Her bum area is red and warm to the touch. I looked all over her body for bugs and found maybe 2 lice so I treated her for that even tho I don't think that's the issue. She had this issue 6 months ago and I...
  4. TheRusticRebel

    First Dirty Butt Cleaning!!

    My oldest hen, a 5 year old RIR, had started getting a dirty butt about 2 maybe 3 weeks ago. It was just a small streak of white at first. Looking back i should have rinsed it off then. I thought maybe shed clean it herself but no. It got worse. This morning i finally got out there and got her...
  5. C

    Chicken has red, inflamed looking behind. Now limping too. Mites or something else?

    A few days ago, I noticed one of our birds has red, inflamed skin under her wings and near her behind. The skin is not broken or bleeding. Also some dark flecks in tail feathers. She seemed otherwise fine, so I was not too concerned, but I just noticed she is limping too, and even though she has...
  6. T

    Red butt

    i have only had chickens for a year. We have eight hens and one rooster. Our rooster is a barred rock. I just noticed this evening after throwing them scraps that his butt under his tail is featherless and red. He seems fine otherwise. I have had to get saddles for all but one hen because he is...
  7. kathyzimmy

    chicken has red, sore butt

    My 1 1/2 year old buffed orpington has a sore looking, red butt. I have looked for bugs twice, and don't see them. I have not seen her pecking at her bottom. She seems to act normally. Suggestions please?
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