fuzzi's Chicken Journal

Wow! Hannah’s comb and wattles are so much bigger than Martha’s, no wonder she’s top chicken!

Which Dominiques are which in the last photo? I’m about to get another Dominique for my flock and have been wondering if I’ll be able to tell them apart by the tips of their combs. Looks like you could with yours! One leans to her left, the next to her right, and the last has a little zig zag shape! 😁
Hannah's comb didn't used to look like that.

From December, all three Sussex:

L-R Rahab, Hannah, Martha

To identify the Dominiques I cheat, I look at the leg rings. Except Lydia, she makes the most endearing nasal "Waaaaw" sound as if she's disappointed.
They MUST be girls, right?

I let everyone out of the brooders this morning. Here's Rahab with her bunch soaking up some morning sun.

Rahab actually went after one of the Dominiques this morning, it got too close. Good.


Tamar is still low gal in the pecking order, but her chicks are learning to scatter when their momma runs. I did have to rescue one of her chicks that got stuck between the fencing and the brooder.

None of the others in the flock appear to be going after the chicks when they're loose, also good.
After church I checked on the chicks, no issues aside from waterers and feeders needing attention, mainly due to being filled with litter and dirt.

The new chicks are mingling with the hens, are darting in between the adults when I toss food. I chopped up the grapes more finely in case the chicks tried to eat them. They did.

As I have to work tomorrow I will leave the brooder doors open tonight. I'm planning on checking the water after they go to roost, rinsing and filling as needed.


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