Hi all,
this is the chicken blog I have started!
Right now we're still in the planning phase(even though the planning and saving up phase began last year
) but by next year we should have the coop and chickies! Before we do all this we have to do our research, so far I am liking the chantecula(if I got that right) as far as chickens go. for coops I`m liking the playskool one, less expensive, less work, more creativity and more time!! Those are key things for me.
We will be putting up a play structure on our front lawn soon and that may help me get a good idea if I am any good at building(probably not). Luckily if I do suck we`ve got some handy family friends who if we ask nicely may (
)help us.
That`s all I`ve got for now, update soon.
UPDATE: things are going along well! I am nearing enough money and chickens will be bought next year. unfortunately my puppy is not feeling well, she drank beer! She's getting better though...