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Welcome to Glenn Cottage!
I am in Tucson Arizona. But dream of living on Prince Edward Island, or any other place that is cool and green. In the meantime... I will have to just do the best I can within my limited budget to make my yard as green as possible. And isn't being "Green" very PC these days.
I love doing all kinds of needlework and crafts. I love to cook!! My favorite TV show is Martha Stewart! U also love the Create Channel on PBS.
Oh how I would love to live on a big farm with lots of animals! It is so hard to grow things here in the desert! I love to putter in the garden! I am hoping the compost from the chicken bedding will improve my soil.
One thing that had to go to be able to have more room for the chicken coop...

...was a tree stump that had been in the way in the back garden for almost 20 years.
Here is a photo of me with the saw after cutting it down, it took 2 whole hours to cut that stump off!! I forgot to take photos as I was cutting it down. And many thanks to my friend Louise with the great saw!!
It was petrified!! The tree had been hit by lightning and that is what killed it.

For a few years it had served as a the base for a scarecrow in the vegetable garden.
This last spring I planted some Morning gloriy seeds at the base of the stump and it looked pretty festive with flowers in it's hair for it's last photo with it's face on.

His new location is on a big pine tree.
Here is a close up of his new location, he looks happier I think...
The day after putting the face on the pine tree, I was on the phone to my daughter, and I was telling her about moving the face, she said to take a picture for her, I got the camera out, and I noticed... his nose was now running!!

[Poor thing... maybe he caught a cold being up so high now.)

A few years ago now I made a potting shed from old pallets that were free for the taking from my husband's company. It was quite a project. The pallets are held in place by rebar and metal fence posts that you drive into the ground. I covered the pallets with chicken wire, my plan is that the pallets will be covered in Ivy at some point in time. Ivy grows very slowly it appears!! At least it grows slowly under my pine tree.
Here are some photos of the potting shed in progress. It started out as a fence. I was going to put in a new vegetable garden in the area of the yard that belonged to "Zoop" our desert tortoise. I wanted to keep him out of the new garden area. PalletFenceVegGarden2006email.jpg
Then I thought, why not get some more pallets and make an area for garden tools, potting soil and other garden stuff?
So that is just what I did. I brought home more pallets and found an old desk and bookcases. I was all set! Here is a picture of the interior of the Potting Shed.
That old Igloo container is used for manure tea.
I used some stepping stones for the floor Pottingshedflooremail.jpg
Here is how it looked later in the summer when the Morning Glories began to cover the pallets.
The potting shed has changed a lot this year. I added a taller wall of PVC lattice on one wall. Tomorrow I will take some new photos of my new and improved potting shed.